Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Cleanse - Day Two

Temperatures in Pittsburgh today were arctic with below zero wind chills. I just so happen to work for the greatest company in the world; therefore, our office was closed due to the frigid temperatures. It was a great day for sleeping late, snuggling with my kitten and watching Lifetime.

Fiona is the world's most cuddly kitten 

Unfortunately, it was also a great day to listen to my stomach growl. Now, I didn't actually feel hungry, but when you're in the house all day with nothing really to do, the contents of your cupboard start saying things. Mean things. Things like "cleansing is for losers!" and "have some Golden Grahams, all the cool kids are doing it!"

Much to my surprise, I managed to fight the voices and the urges. I stayed in bed for as long as I possibly could rolled up in nine blankets like a burrito. Before he left, Boyfriend double tucked me in to ensure ultimate warmth and immobility. It was delightful. 

I enjoyed my hot green tea when I finally rolled out of bed around 11 a.m. That's when the bag of Hershey Kisses in the cupboard started beckoning. I yelled at them to shut up and I checked my work e-mail  and did laundry. Productivity in place of grazing was today's fun. 

I had my breakfast shake and enjoyed it even more than I had yesterday. I think that I I didn't add as much almond butter, making a fruitier drink. Because I ate this shake so late, I ate neither my lunch nor my snack shake, which probably wasn't a wise decision. Dr. Oz would likely scold me for that.

Boyfriend called me midday and was again struggling with lack of solids. It didn't help that his office was freezing to the point that he had to wear a winter hat indoors. He's a big fan of protein and actually chewing food, so he's not built for such a cleanse, but his determination is solid. He will detox.

I did some Cardio Caberet Yoga Booty Ballet with my gal pals Gillian and Teigh at Swerve Studio in L.A. while my dog watched (critiqued).

I was proud of myself for actually working out, but I figured that I need to prepare for tomorrow's barre and Pilates class. By the end of the workout, however, it was clear that I had not consumed enough today. I felt tired, slightly dizzy and ravenous. I opened the freezer to get fruit for a dinner shake and a pint of ice cream fell into my arms. 

I was immediately smitten with the ice cream in distress act. Cookie dough... Such a slut. I threw the carton back into the freezer and blended away my desires. 

Tomorrow is the final day of the cleanse. I know that Boyfriend is eager to get it all over with and I am, too... Assuming we last that long. The moral of day two? Drink all of your shakes if you want to do Yoga Booty Ballet. Otherwise, you'll never come to the day's intention.

Namaste, bitches.

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